Ryan Nead

Ryan is the VP of Operations for DEV.co. He brings over a decade of experience in managing custom website and software development projects for clients small and large, managing internal and external teams on meeting and exceeding client expectations--delivering projects on-time and within budget requirements. Ryan is based in El Paso, Texas. Connect with Ryan on Linkedin.

Go vs Node.js Understanding the Distinction between Runtime Environments

Go vs Node.js: Distinction Between Runtime Environments

Being able to select the right programming language and runtime environment for a dev project is essential in order to ensure that it meets all its requirements. Choosing incorrectly can lead to wasted time, resources, and money – not something any developer wants! For this reason, understanding the distinction between Go programming language and Node.js …

Go vs Node.js: Distinction Between Runtime Environments Read More »

Impact of Tech Culture on Mental Health

Impact of Tech Culture on Mental Health

The tech culture of today has become increasingly pervasive, with technology being used to enhance aspects such as productivity and efficiency. Despite its advantages, this new digital world also presents various mental health challenges—including cyberbullying, ubiquitous access to information leading to overloads or “FOMO” (fear of missing out), and the prevalence of high-pressure work environments. …

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Popularity of React 6 Key Factors Behind Its Wide Adoption

Why Is React.js So Popular? 6 Key Factors Behind Its Wide Adoption

React is a JavaScript developer library that has enjoyed immense popularity since its introduction in 2013. Nowadays, it’s one of the most important front-end development tools used by both individual developers and some of the world’s largest tech companies. The reasons why React was embraced so eagerly can be boiled down to six key factors: …

Why Is React.js So Popular? 6 Key Factors Behind Its Wide Adoption Read More »

Containers vs Microservices: What’s The Difference?

Containers vs Microservices: What’s The Difference?

Containers and microservices are two different technologies that play an increasingly important role in software development. While both have their strengths, understanding the difference between them is key to selecting the right technology for a particular application or project. This outline explores containers and microservices by providing definitions, characteristics, examples of each as well as …

Containers vs Microservices: What’s The Difference? Read More »