Are HTML Static Site Generators Worth It?

Are HTML Static Site Generators Worth It?

Your company’s website is the first thing a consumer visits when looking to interact with you. Moreover, as the age-long saying goes:

First impressions are the last impressions.

Your website must be capable of leaving a lasting impression on a visitor so you can turn them into paying a customer.

But how does one make such an impression? In an era where website developers are moving towards dynamic web pages, it begs the question; are static HTML websites obsolete? Would any visitor to such websites be interested in moving past the Home page?

Usage statistics of static files for websites

Static websites are still being used, although their usage has drastically decreased in number. For many, they continue to be a feasible option for their online needs. At present, 1.5% of all websites use static files whose server-side programming language (e.g., Python, C++, Java, etc.) is available.

Evidently, the future doesn’t look good for static sites. Yet, amidst the glitz and glam of dynamic sites, people tend to forget the benefits that can be extracted from using a static website.

What is a Static Website?

As the name suggests, a static website is created with HTML and CSS coding, with a fixed number of pages based on a specific layout. The layout itself, however, does not change or transition based on users’ actions.

Static websites are simple to set up, which is arguably their greatest advantage. This is made even easier with the help of HTML page generators. Although customization and creative options on these websites are limited, it is still possible for you to add various multimedia elements and videos to your page.

Why Should You Use a Static Site Generator?

Why Should You Use a Static Site Generator?

Static sites have lost traction since the early 90s, reaching a stage where they are virtually extinct. Yet, if that is the case, then why is the static site generator still being widely accepted?
To understand this, we first need to clarify a significant misconception. Static site generators are not used to create static websites. Instead, they aim to enhance existing dynamic sites by incorporating the positive aspects of a static website.
With that said, here’s a list of the distinct benefits of a static site generator for anyone looking to get one for their business.

Generate Static HTML Pages

Websites designed on HTML code increase the load speed of web pages exponentially. Since the code does not have to be regenerated every time a new page is loaded, the web page is always ready to go.

Due to this minimalist consistency, a static website generator allows developers to obtain templates that can be added to the CMS, significantly improving the website’s load time.

Simplified Content Extraction

Most dynamic sites rely solely on databases to extract content for their pages. In order to improve the time taken to source this content, the best static site generators allow websites to remove content from the database, APIs, and storage locations.


CMS seems like a dream for anyone looking to build a dynamic website. However, it brings its own set of security concerns with it. Data security is believed to be a fundamental right, and with global data privacy regulations prevalent and becoming increasingly aggressive, protecting data on your websites is now a necessity.

Static websites are much easier to protect and more stable than dynamic sites. Data in transit from server to user can easily be encrypted with the help of FTPS and SSL encryption.

Simplified Implementation

Implementing a static website is the easiest task for a web developer in this day and age. Static pages are built once and do not need to be touched for years again. Static site generation allows developers to create a template for their pages that can easily be implemented and worked upon.

Quick Deployment

HTML codes are easier to work on and deploy than tinkering with databases and advanced programming languages. Changes on the staging server can easily be converted to HTML files and implemented on the live server.

Does Your Business Need Static Site Generators?

Does Your Business Need Static Site Generators?

Many find it puzzling why people generate static pages again after losing traction due to the Dot-com Bubble. The simple explanation is that websites are now moving to a hybrid model. This method incorporates the advantages of both frameworks.

Although it is a tedious task and requires skilled expertise to manage many different parts, incorporation can be beneficial. A Static site generator allows users to adopt those aspects of static websites that they believe enhance dynamic sites’ performance. Once perfected, the hybrid system will enable websites to:

  1. Enjoy flexibility in scaling, web design, and implementation
  2. Experience faster page speeds, resulting in high-performing websites
  3. Reduce dependency on servers as data and content can be extracted from several sources
  4. Enjoy more excellent reliability and security due to simplified encryption on HTML pages
  5. Undergo risk-free control and QA testing with staging servers’ help
  6. Quickly deploy new content
  7. Automate processes

The hybrid process is so seamless that an average user can not differentiate between static and dynamic content on the website. When offered the best of both worlds, why choose only one?


Although static sites have been losing traction ever since the era of MSN in the early 90s, they are making a comeback by complementing dynamic websites and incorporating their positive aspects. A Static site generator allows:

  • Flexibility
  • High-performing web pages
  • Less dependence on servers
  • Reliability and security
  • Enhanced support
  • Scalability
  • Automation
  • Improved speed

An amalgamation of such frameworks and synergizing their potential is the future of technology. However, static site generators are just the beginning.

Ryan is the VP of Operations for He brings over a decade of experience in managing custom website and software development projects for clients small and large, managing internal and external teams on meeting and exceeding client expectations--delivering projects on-time and within budget requirements. Ryan is based in El Paso, Texas.
Connect with Ryan on Linkedin.
Ryan Nead