What Executives Should Know About Artificial Intelligence

Executive Leadership Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Organizations are investing heavily in artificial intelligence (AI) today. Now discussions about AI are changing to how to enhance business value and to do it responsibly and effectively.

Because AI has incredible potential to create business value, it’s vital that business executives know several important things about this vital technology.

To do that, executives must understand the business options artificial intelligence creates and also what can make it a higher risk.

It’s also important to pinpoint the best organizational structure to infuse AI and to consider how to manage the technology.

Continue reading to learn more about what executives need to know about AI.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is many different technologies that work as one to allow machines to understand, sense, act, and learn with intelligence for business processes that approaches a human brain-like standard. As it turns out, many people have different ideas of what AI is because it isn’t any one thing or technology.

Natural language processing and machine learning are two examples of AI each changing and evolving in separate paths. When these disparate technologies are applied with analytics, data set, and doc automation, businesses are better positioned to achieve their goals, whether it’s to increase sales, enhance customer service, or optimize the global supply chain.

It’s also helpful to understand the key differences between ‘narrow AI’ and ‘general AI. Narrow AI is what most people see in their daily lives, such as digital assistants, weather apps, and software that analyzes large amounts of data to optimize various business functions.

Narrow AI is powerful, but they focus on relatively small roles.

That said, narrow AI has a lot of power to transform lives and organizations, so pursuing narrow AI efficiencies is well worth doing.

General AI is what we often seen in science fiction, such as robots acting and thinking like a human being.

They’re able to think strategically and creatively – handling all kinds of incredibly complex tasks.

While machines can do some complex tasks faster than people, general AI has yet to be fully realized in the real world.

The collaboration of human beings and machines is still essential for the best results.

At this point, AI is an extension of human beings and never a replacement.

Understand Basic AI Possibilities

Understand Basic intelligent machines

For your organization to adopt AI to its best advantage, you should understand the possibilities it offers.

To do that, you should understand some of the basic possibilities AI can give your company:

  • Facial recognition and analysis, are so important for computer vision applications.
  • Natural language processing grasps spoken human language to understand data points or can create insights based on text.
  • Analysis and generation of voice and sound.
  • Fraud detection in financial transactions
  • Predictive analytics
  • Modeling for huge numbers of parameters and datasets

Artificial Intelligence Is An Operating Expense

If your company plan for AI is to drop a ton of money into it one time and that’s it, you’re probably not going to be successful with it.

AI statistical techniques can definitely increase your company’s bottom line by increasing profits and reducing costs. However, the accounting department needs to allocate regular funds to ensure the models and algorithms are working correctly and are being updated as warranted.

Some experts say you should think of AI like an F1 car. These high-tech race cars perform optimally when the crew can watch in real-time from the pits how it’s performing on their monitors.

Monitoring AI all the time while its doing its work is essential and that takes a regular set aside in your budget.

AI Is All About Math

CEOs and other executives needn’t be intimidated by artificial intelligence. You may not have a computer science degree, but you can understand the tech that undergirds AI.

Any proper use of artificial intelligence or machine learning will be based on something your organization is already doing; it won’t be some out-of-this-world Skynet mystery.

Effective AI Projects Should Be Easy To Understand

When an executive is evaluating whether an AI project is a good fit for the firm, they should have the confidence to say if something isn’t making sense. We mean that an effective, well-run AI project should be easy to understand in layperson’s English.

For instance, it should be easy for you to grasp how the AI project will affect real people, whether those are customers, employees, managers, etc. If your team or vendor cannot easily explain how the AI project will help your organization, it may not be for you.

Spend Money On People And Not Just Tech

Spend Money On People And Not Just Tech

Companies have had to learn how to deal with and use technology for decades. First there were radio and TV ads, then personal computers, and now cell phones and apps. AI is the same thing and you shouldn’t see it as intimidating or scary.

Executives should consider what they want to achieve with ai systems and how their employees can do it with the help of powerful ai and machine – learning.

Remember, the most important part of your business is having the most enthusiastic and talented people working for you.

We find this particularly true in the realm of software development, whose tasks are performed by people, not robots.

Perform A Lot Of Tests

Unlike people, computer algorithms are almost totally reliant on the historical data set that is provided and the emphasis on the jobs that need to be done.

It sounds simple, but learning the parts of your organization that benefit from AI is essential to providing real-world results to the enterprise.

Bringing AI to your company for no particular reason might look cool but it won’t offer value.

AI offers a lot of benefits when the employees using the technology perform a lot of tests. They should know what needs to be tested, when it should be tested, and what the test results mean.

Two companies using identical technology can devise different roadmaps for their business future.

That’s one of the reasons digital transformation requires a great deal of customization.

Organizations that perform heavy AI testing will enjoy more benefits now and in the future.

AI has so much potential in organizations of all kinds.

It’s important that executives be well-grounded in the basics of AI so their organizations have the best chances of success.

Why is AI important in the enterprise?

AI is important in the enterprise because neural networks can simulate human intelligence and machine learning algorithms can automate decision-making processes. By automating decision-making, enterprises can improve efficiency and accuracy while reducing costs. Additionally, AI can help identify patterns and relationships that humans may not be able to discern. This insight can be used to make better decisions about products, services, and strategies. Ultimately, AI has the potential to help enterprises optimize their operations and improve their bottom line.

What are the risks of AI?

There are a few risks associated with deep learning algorithms that are worth noting. First, these algorithms are designed to perform a specific task and may not be able to generalize to other tasks. This could lead to problems if, for example, a deep learning algorithm is used to control a car but is not able to handle unexpected situations. Second, deep learning algorithms can sometimes produce results that are not explainable by human thought. This could lead to unforeseen consequences if, for example, an algorithm is used to make financial decisions without human oversight. Finally, deep learning algorithms require large amounts of data science to learn from. If this data is not representative of the real world, then the algorithm may not be able to generalize well and could produce biased results.

ai convolutional neural networks

What are the key developments in AI?

Robotic process automation is one of the key developments in modern ai’s history. This technology enables machines to automate repetitive tasks that would otherwise be carried out by human employees. This can free up workers for more creative and strategic tasks, and it can also help businesses to reduce costs. However, robotic process automation can also lead to job losses, as some jobs become redundant.

The “ai winter” is a term used to describe periods when investment in AI slows down. This usually happens after there have been disappointing results from machine learning projects, or when there is a lack of understanding about how AI works. The most recent ai (artificial intelligence) winter began in the early 1990s, but many experts believe that it is coming to an end now. They point to the.

How does artificial intelligence work?

supervised learning machine learning algorithms Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that enables computers to be trained to perform tasks that would normally require human brain intelligence, such as visual perception, common language processing, and decision-making.

A machine learning model is a mathematical model that is used to learn from data. Machine learning models are used in AI to make predictions or recommendations.

Neural networks are a type of machine learning model that is inspired by the brain. Neural networks are composed of layers of interconnected nodes or neurons. Input data is fed into the neural network at the input layer, and it is then processed by the hidden layers before finally reaching the output layer.

Applications of artificial intelligence

1. Computer vision

This area of research creates cutting-edge methods to aid computers in viewing and comprehending data from digital films, photos, and other visual inputs. Computer vision uses sophisticated neural networks and is used in e-commerce, radiological imaging, and other fields.

2. Speech recognition

It utilizes the processing of normal – language to convert spoken words into text and is also known as automatic speech recognition or ASR. To efficiently utilize human language, digital assistants like Google Assistant use natural-language understanding and machine learning. They can comprehend complex instructions and provide results that are satisfactory.

However, modern digital assistants are capable of much more than just providing answers; they can now arrange and prepare reminders and plans by examining user preferences, schedules, behaviors, and more.

3. Recommendation Search engines

AI algorithms use historical consumer behavior data to forecast data patterns and create more efficient cross-selling strategies. When customers are checking out at online stores, this information is used to recommend appropriate add-ons.

Media streaming services like Spotify, Netflix, and YouTube, for instance, use a sophisticated recommendation engine that is AI-powered. They employ machine learning and deep learning algorithms to assess the data and forecast preferences after gathering user data on interests and habits.

4. Consumer assistance –

Online chatbots are already addressing frequently asked questions (or FAQs), giving individualized advice, and even cross-selling products, taking the place of human personnel in the customer journey. By acting as message bots on e-commerce websites and on Facebook Messenger, for instance, they are altering the way businesses view client engagement on social media platforms and websites.

5. Chatbots –

Chatbots (or chat robots) are used in customer care to simulate human personnel by mimicking the conversational patterns of customer service representatives using the processing of natural (NLP) language. For the greatest effectiveness, these chatbots can respond to inquiries that call for extremely extensive responses and even incorporate negative feedback.

6. Face recognition technology –

More than 30,000 invisible dots are projected by Apple’s TrueDepth camera to produce a depth map of users’ faces while simultaneously taking an infrared image recognition. To determine if it can unlock the device, a machine-learning algorithm then compares the face scan with facial data that has already been enrolled.

7. Social media:-

Artificial intelligence is used by platforms like Facebook and Instagram to personalize what users see in their feeds by image recognition of their interests and suggesting related content to keep them interested. In order to swiftly delete articles that include hate speech, for instance, AI models are also trained to recognize certain words, symbols, or phrases in other languages.

Emojis in predictive text, intelligent filters that spot and delete spam messages, facial recognition that automatically tags users’ friends in photographs, and smart replies for speedy message responses are all examples of how explainable ai is applied in social media.

8. Text editor:-

Processing language is used by document and code editors to spot mistakes in grammar and offer corrections. Readability and plagiarism technologies are also included in some editor programs. More sophisticated technologies also provide wise advice for online content optimization and even assist in increasing website traffic by making content more relevant.

9. Search algorithm: –

Top results on the search engine result page (SERP) with pertinent responses to users’ queries are provided by search algorithms like Google. A list of ai research results that address questions and offer the greatest user experience is often provided after high-quality content has been identified using quality control algorithms. To comprehend queries, these search engines use natural-language recognition technologies.

10. Search algorithm: –

In order to automatically alter temperature, smart thermostats use modern AI apps to comprehend everyday routines as well as cooling and heating preferences. Similarly to this, intelligent refrigerators can generate shopping lists depending on what items are absent from their shelves.

Contact us today about developing your next AI application or optimizing your AI app for a specific use case!

Ryan is the VP of Operations for DEV.co. He brings over a decade of experience in managing custom website and software development projects for clients small and large, managing internal and external teams on meeting and exceeding client expectations--delivering projects on-time and within budget requirements. Ryan is based in El Paso, Texas.
Connect with Ryan on Linkedin.
Ryan Nead