The Complete List of Programming Languages 2024

Programming languages are the foundation of web, mobile, and desktop applications, whether it’s a simple task management solution or a complex system to manage millions of data points. Without them, both our offline and IoT connected world simply wouldn’t exist. Although it’s a simplified explanation, programmers use code to instruct computers to execute specific tasks under specific conditions, which makes virtually anything possible as long as it can be imagined and the particular programming language can support it.

With that said, there are many different programming languages that exist, so let’s explore the top languages relevant in 2024.



One of the oldest programming languages, C was designed in 1972 and is still one of the most important languages in today’s systems. It’s fairly difficult to learn, which is why it’s not the first choice for new programmers. However, it’s integral to society, and if someone can learn C, they’ll have an easier time learning other languages. Expert C programmers earn some of the highest salaries compared to other languages.

C is most often used in the tech and automotive industries.



This is one of the most difficult programming languages to learn, but it’s great for system-based tasks and general purposes. It’s efficient with memory usage and performance, which lends itself to high-level abstractions. IT can use functions, global data, unions, and structures. Like C, C++ programmers are top earners in their field.

The biggest downside is the lack of threading support and garbage collection that can lead to major security risks.

The majority of industries that use C++ are tech, gaming, banking, and fintech.



As one of the simplest programming languages, C# delivers a powerful experience, especially when used on Microsoft’s .NET framework. New developers are often encouraged to learn C# and .NET because it will increase their value as a professional.

If you use Windows applications, it’s probably written in C#. Other common applications written in C# include a multitude of web-based apps, like StackExchange, games developed with Unity, and some apps created with Xamarin, like Slack’s mobile application.

In addition to games, C# is used often in the tech industry. It can be used for a lot of applications, but it’s more appropriate for high-power systems. It’s also not as well supported community-wise compared to other languages. Still, it’s a top-paying skill to have.

Golang (“Go”)


Go is a highly efficient and simple programming language perfectly suited for cloud applications. It’s quickly becoming one of the most popular languages in 2024. Although it’s considered to be of moderate difficulty level, the syntax isn’t hard to learn. It has simple libraries and can be used for solutions that will need to be scaled at some point in the future.

The average salary for Go developers is quite high at more than $135,000, which makes sense given it’s a specialty skill – at least for now.

Most companies that use Go are in the software development or IT field.



Based on C and C++, Java is a popular object-oriented programming language that doubles as a software platform and chances are, it’s running on all of your devices.

Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems, who wanted a portable programming language that could be written once and then run anywhere. His slogan was “Write Once, Run Anywhere” (WORA).

Wikipedia’s search function, Minecraft, Netflix, Amazon, eBay, Square, Salesforce, and Google are all written in Java, among many others you may not even know exist.

Java is attractive because the code is reusable and compiling and debugging are straightforward. It’s mostly used in tech and finance. However, it does require more code compared to other languages, which increases the time of development projects. It’s memory-intensive, so it’s not suitable for all applications. Still, it’s one of the top paid programming languages right up there with C and C++.



Not to be confused with Java, JavaScript is a text-based, client-side programming language specifically used for creating dynamic web content by altering and adding HTML to web pages, controlling media, and animating images. For example, JavaScript is used to create image carousels, countdown timers, online games, and calculators. It facilitates asynchronous HTTP requests, which is a huge draw.

JavaScript is popular because despite being at an intermediate level, it’s fairly easy to learn and enhances the user experience on the web. If you want your brand to stand out, adding some JavaScript elements can help you engage your audience to tell a more compelling story. The downside is sometimes there are inconsistencies between browsers, which makes web development a challenge.

JavaScript is widely used in tech and marketing, and is one of the most essential tools for full-stack development. Developers can expect to earn between $100k-$183k per year.

There are also several key frameworks and runtime environments created for JavaScript that are worth mentioning.

key frameworks and runtime environments created for JavaScript

  1. Electron.js

Electron.js is a framework that allows you to create cross-platform native web applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Both Node.js and Chromium are embedded in Electron.js to make it all possible.

Discord is one of the most notable Electron applications, but there are plenty of others. For example, the desktop version of WordPress, Slack, WhatsApp, Skype, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and Pexels are all built with Electron. Electron is particularly attractive because it allows just about any front-end developer to create a nice user interface that will work on any platform, like Apple, Linux, or Windows.

  1. Next.js

Next.js is a free and open-source React web development framework designed to help developers create speedy static websites and web applications. React is a JavaScript library used to simplify the process of building graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

  1. Node.js

Node.js is a runtime environment and library mainly used for running JavaScript web applications, like command-line tools and server-side scripts, outside of a web browser. It allows people to run JavaScript virtually anywhere.

Node.js makes it possible to use one programming language – JavaScript – to write both front-end and back-end applications. This is just one reason developers are drawn to Node.js. It’s convenient to be able to work on the server side without having to learn a brand new back-end language.



Although technically not a programming language since it doesn’t allow for the use of variables, HTML5 applications are in high demand and it’s worthy of being listed.

Using HTML5 for websites delivers a dynamic, engaging experience to users, which is what you need for conversions. Although it’s not a programming language on its own, it deserves to be listed because it is the next evolution in HTML. It combines HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XHTML.

HTML5 is most commonly used to create things like offline web applications, complex browser-based apps, dynamic mobile apps, beautiful animations, and it enables the convenience of drag-and-drop uploads.

There was a time when mobile devices suffered in terms of their web browser’s ability to handle anything more than basic HTML, but that has now changed. HTML5 works with any major browser on any operating system.



While technically a development environment for the programming language “G,” LabVIEW may as well be its own language based on how it’s used. LabVIEW is unique because it’s a visual programming language, meaning, instead of typing words, you move visual objects around inside of a workspace.

Being able to visualize at a high level as you program is critical for certain industries with complex needs.



Although it’s not every developer’s favorite programming language, PHP is fundamental to many applications, including websites. It’s flexible and blends well with other languages. If you build a website using HTML and CSS, you can turn the files into PHP files and easily integrate PHP into the existing HTML.

The speed PHP has to offer is responsible for drastically improving the user experience and reducing bounce rates. For comparison, it’s around 195% faster than Ruby and 382% faster than Python. It’s compatibility with databases is unmatched, which means developers can use PHP to connect to a variety of databases, including MongoDB, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, mSQL, and MS-SQL.

There are so many PHP developers around that you never have to worry about not being able to hire a developer or paying outrageous fees just because you need a specialist.

PHP has been used to create many popular applications, including Laravel, an in-demand back-end framework for building web applications. It is still being adopted worldwide as of 2024, and doesn’t seem to be slowing down.



Known for being one of the more beginner-friendly programming languages, Python is at the top of the list for simplicity and versatility. The syntax is intuitive and there are extensive frameworks and libraries available, which supports rapid development

It was created in 1991 by Guido Von Rossum as an open-source language. Although it’s been around for a while and has many uses, there are some drawbacks. For example, it uses more memory than other languages and is a bit slower. It’s also not the best choice for databases because of its limitations.



Ruby is a simple, yet robust programming language that can help a developer get into web development. It lends itself to fast development cycles, which is critical for web projects and one of the reasons it’s so popular.

Ruby is a beginner-friendly language with straightforward syntax, and is widely used in the tech sector because of its ability to support agile development and rapid prototyping.



Scratch is another programming language with a visual interface, and it’s one of the best choices for beginners, especially children. Although it doesn’t have much real world application, it’s used frequently in schools to teach kids how to code.



SQL is a programming language with a focus on database management. It allows for data manipulation and retrieval, and has a verbose, yet easy-to-understand syntax. It’s perfect for experienced and beginners, although you can’t really create a programming career just by learning SQL.

While it’s not suited for complex calculations, it’s ideal for data manipulation and it does this quite well. With an average salary of more than $115,000 per year, it’s at the top of the list.

The industries that benefit from SQL most are healthcare, marketing, and finance.

Visual Basic

visual basic

One of the most fundamental programming languages is Visual Basic, derived from BASIC for the purpose of developing GUIs faster. Although there are other options today, Visual Basic remains a staple because it’s easy for beginners and user-friendly for developing Windows applications.

Need expert programmers? can help!

Although there are many different programming languages, each have their own strengths and weaknesses, making them ideal for some applications and not others. When you’re not a developer, it’s impossible to know what language is best suited for your needs. That’s why it’s important to hire an expert to tackle your projects.

If you need professional programming, contact us today and tell us about your project. Our team of expert developers would love to help you bring your idea to life.

Ryan is the VP of Operations for He brings over a decade of experience in managing custom website and software development projects for clients small and large, managing internal and external teams on meeting and exceeding client expectations--delivering projects on-time and within budget requirements. Ryan is based in El Paso, Texas.
Connect with Ryan on Linkedin.
Ryan Nead