GPT-3 replace programmers

AI in Software Development: Will ChatGPT Replace Software Developers?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has undoubtedly left an indelible impact on our world and everyday lives. This technology is constantly being applied to eliminate mundane tasks in the workplace.

AI and machine learning can also replicate more specific tasks that require intelligence to complete. These capabilities have become something of a blessing and curse for creatives across the world.

Many people increasingly believe that the super intelligence of AI and machine learning brings will one day replace them and create a jobless society heavily reliant on technology.

While it is true that machine learning backed by AI can decrease jobs, the true nature of its application in most workplaces isn’t that simple. GPT, a landmark machine learning program, is able to build code for simple and advanced programs without human interaction and supervision.

GPT has already proved its ability to create digital content, and many programmers and software developers are naturally wondering if the technology will have any impact on their job security both now and in the future.

Again, the reality isn’t black and white.

What is GPT?

OpenAI API - GPT-3

GPT, or generative pre-training transformer (or simply generative AI), is the third iteration of the original technology developed by OpenAI, a company founded by Elon Musk and other entrepreneurs.

In short, GPT is a language model that produces human-like text. This version of the technology utilizes 175 billion machine learning parameters to produce authentic text with bare minimum human interaction.

Since 2020, GPT has been used extensively to achieve remarkable results in various industries:

  • GPT has been used in a chatbot development project called, “Project December”. Users were able to conversate directly with AI-themed chatbox mimicking exact human responses to millions of interactions and stimuli.
  • The Guardian used GPT to create an article about AI being harmless to humans. The program was supervised by humans and fed a few ideas, which resulted in GPT creating an eight-part unique essay published by The Guardian.
  • GPT was used in AI Dungeon to create text in video games.

GPT’s minimal application was so impressive that OpenAI awarded an exclusive license to Microsoft, giving them complete access to its source code. While other people and companies are free to use the public use program, Microsoft holds a monopoly over the source code.

As time progresses, GPT will be used in a wide variety of industries to handle all kinds of text production tasks, which include software development and coding.

What Can GPT Do?

Total Compute Used During Training GPT 3GPT is much more than a language model. The technology can be used to write almost anything, from blog posts to software code. This will prompt users to utilize the technology to build organic ChatGPT plugins and programs.

GPT relies on two primary scientific concepts to be effective. The first is deep learning. Deep learning is a further concept in machine learning. It’s simply the capacity for machines to think and learn like humans.

To better understand the concept, machine learning is usually reinforced by some type of human interaction at a basic level. For example, Google relies on machine learning when developing their search algorithms.

These algorithms process user behavior over time and pair the most accurate search results with user queries in search engine optimization (SEO). This is the basis of machine learning, but deep learning takes these capabilities much further.

With deep learning, machines engage in a phenomena known as super-intelligence, rationalizing and deducing on their own. ChatGPT uses both to summarize text and even answer problems.

As a result, ChatGPT can produce codes in a wealth of different languages. This can have an impact on the jobs of programmers across the world. Of course, the elephant in the room is whether or not the technology will ultimately replace programmers in the future.

The answer is unlikely, but there is still room for speculation.

Could ChatGPT Replace Programmers?

Since the advent of machine learning and AI, pundits have wondered if the technology will put millions of people out of work. In some cases, the answer is yes.

AI and machine learning have already been rapidly used in the manufacturing industry, having a sizable impact on traditional manufacturing jobs. This technology has also been used in the marketing sector to analyze data and make accurate deductions.

Though, it’s not accurate to assume that the technology has reduced these jobs in a meaningful way. As for programmers, it’s unlikely that GPT will ever take jobs from worthy professionals.

In fact, the exact opposite may be true. GPT will ultimately perform all of the work programmers don’t want to do. For example, AI will surely eliminate mundane tasks like quality assurance testing.

To put it simply, why hasn’t technology adapted to performing these mundane tasks in the 21st century. In a nutshell, GPT will be used to perform tasks that programmers hate doing.

This will eliminate bottlenecks in software production and allow programmers to focus on more creative tasks. As a result, more technology will be created to allow programmers to divert their attention to value-added work.

Software development firms can use ChatGPT to spearhead the development of numerous apps. Rather than replace programmers, the technology will assist in driving more efficient operations, especially when AI prompt engineers understand how to properly tune and interact with the algorithm.

This will entice more software developers and like-minded companies to follow suit in implementing the use of GPT to achieve more coding tasks.

Key Factors to Consider Moving Forward?

GPT-3 Parameters

As you can see, the answer whether or not GPT will replace programmers in the future is a bit vague. Many programmers will naturally become apprehensive when the subject of GPT is brought up concerning their jobs.

Business owners and executives will become curious in implementing GPT for more efficient operations. Scientists and technologists will become intrigued in discovering more applications for this innovation.

Below, you’ll find some factors to consider when determining the future of GPT in the programming space and other sectors:

ChatGPT Will Definitely Replace Low-Skilled Programmers:

As in any industry, machine learning and AI technological applications will replace low-skill workers. These people are defined as professionals who perform the repetitive, mundane tasks that technology is designed to handle.

GPT will, without a doubt, replace low-skilled programmers. For example, larger software developers delegate repetitive coding tasks either overseas or to freelancers to save money and time, while ramping up efficiency.

With GPT, this may no longer be the case. The technology can take the place of low-skilled coders and not perform these repetitive tasks, but also excel at them with a low margin of error and greater accuracy.

GPT Can Code in Many Languages

Another helpful feature to consider is that GPT can write code in multiple languages. What this means is that software developers can potentially take on more projects from overseas companies.

This can yield better programs and higher profits for software companies. For example, software companies operating out of the United States are often located in regions where there are loose language barriers.

As a result, these software companies are often approached to write programs for different cultures. With GPT, it will no longer become necessary to delegate this task to freelancers or overseas companies.

GPT May Be Difficult to Implement

GPT was launched in 2020, and while it has been highly marveled as a leading innovation of machine learning and AI, it’s still not as widely used as you may expect.

The main reason is because major technological inventions are notoriously difficult to implement to the public outright. It may naturally take years for GPT to be used in software development and coding.

Thus, it will take even longer for the technology to replace low-skilled programmers. This is due to the fact that GPT is a challenging technology to grasp for people who don’t consider themselves to be technology-savvy.

GPT Use May Be Pricey

There is also the consideration that GTP may also come with a high price tag. Billions of dollars were already poured into the project for development. Companies wanting to experiment and implement GPT into major operations may need to hire skilled technicians to operate the technology.

ChatGPT Has a Bright Future

Microsoft has recently purchased an exclusive license to obtain GPT’s source code. This means they can make any modifications as they see fit, and they will undoubtedly lead the way in creating more applications for the technology.

With Microsoft being a pioneer technology company, it’s reasonable to speculate them using GPT to play an integral role in coding and software development. Whatever the case may be, GPT has a bright future in programming and other sectors.


The answer to whether ChatGPT or Bard will replace programmers isn’t entirely black and white. While programmers will fear their job security as this technology is being used, the reality is that GPT will benefit the technology industry as a whole.

GPT wasn’t created to replace programmers, cause robotic tyranny, and hold a monopoly over the world’s workforce. Like other technology, GPT was developed to make specific tasks easier.

Programmers, if they are invaluable to their organizations, should have nothing to fear about the application of GPT in their sector. If you’re interested in building a program using GPT, then you’re in luck. We have direct access to the OpenAI API and we are available to develop applications using its interface.

We already use GPT-3, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in our software development processes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can start your project.

Ryan is the VP of Operations for He brings over a decade of experience in managing custom website and software development projects for clients small and large, managing internal and external teams on meeting and exceeding client expectations--delivering projects on-time and within budget requirements. Ryan is based in El Paso, Texas.
Connect with Ryan on Linkedin.
Ryan Nead